telefon (22) 55 69 300



Attention doctors scheduled for postgraduate internship 2023/2024

Please apply for a referral for examination by an occupational medicine doctor to the Human Resources and Training Department, room 314, 3rd floor athours 12.00 – 14.30

Having a medical certificate in occupational medicine is necessary to start a postgraduate internship on time.


Documents required for admission to an internship:

  1. original referral from the Medical Chamber
  2. document confirming the limited right to practice a profession
  3. certificate of completion of studies or diploma of the Medical Academy
  4. health certificate issued by an Occupational Medicine Doctor confirming no contraindications to work as a dentist – postgraduate intern
  5. current sanitary and epidemiological booklet – available for inspection, certificate of vaccination against hepatitis B
  6. other documents (employment certificate, marriage certificate)
  7. internship card issued by the Medical Chamber

If you have any questions, please contact us: 22 55 69 410, 411, 412

Mazowieckie Centrum Stomatologii Sp. z o. an entity authorizedto conduct postgraduate internships for dentists, including partial internships in the following areas: conservative dentistry, pediatric dentistry, dental surgery, dental prosthetics, periodontologia< /a>, orthodoncja.


Allocation of places for postgraduate internship

Pursuant to Art. 15 section 6a of the Act of 5 December 1996 on the profession of doctor and dentist, the allocation of places for postgraduate internships is within the competence of the competent district medical council. The district medical council, by way of a resolution and in consultation with the voivodeship marshal, directs doctors and dentists to whom it has granted a limited right to practice the profession and who it has entered on the list of members of the chamber to undergo internships in its area of operation.

